Sunday, September 7, 2008

Staying Hydrated

I bought an aluminum water bottle this summer. It's dark green and has a First Nations wolf design on it. It's coated with something, by the way, that renders it safe to drink from; a stainless steel bottle would have been smaller and more expensive.

I got back to school to find that, along with my training schedule and welcome note, my RD had left me a plastic, BPA-free water bottle. Okay, I thought; great, now I can stay even more hydrated.

Yesterday I participated in Day to Make a Difference, a morning of volunteering. In past years they've given out t-shirts. This year they gave us - you guessed it - water bottles. Now, admittedly, I was very glad to have said water bottle after an hour and a half of trimming bushes with a heavy power tool in hot, sunny, and humid weather. That said, three water bottles is really more than I need.

Turns out that all of the RDs were also given stainless steel bottles to hand out to the first-years and, yes, res staff. A lot of them had yet to be handed out, due to a mix-up in delivery (or... something), but yesterday I ran into my RD and hey! Presto. Another water bottle.

So now I have four water bottles. Clearly there is no excuse for getting dehydrated this year.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Letting Go

Whoops. I really need to change the time settings on this thing. I do not get up at five in the morning, birds or no birds.

On the positive side of life: I am handing the presidency of SAAFE (Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone) over to the treasurer, and we are finding a new treasurer. I decided last week, in consultation with a friend, that as I am doing Too Much and also have Too Much other stuff going on - something had to go.

I'm still going to be involved in SAAFE. I spent all summer making lists, and I'm not giving up that easily. I'm just handing the organizational stuff over to somebody else. She's acting pres as of, uh, right now. Actually, as of yesterday.

The meeting is in twenty minutes... in theory I could still be pres for that, but there's really no point in saying "hi! I'm the president of SAAFE - for now. She's about to take over!" and confusing people.

It's a very Wellesley thing to do too much. I am busy. This year I am trying to let go enough to maintain my sanity: I'm trying to become Wendy Wellesley's black-sheep-of-a-little-sister Wanda. Right now I am too much like Wendy.

Why I Am Awake Right Now


Very noisy ones.

Birds noisy enough that at first I thought they were jackhammers.

On the plus side - I dreamed about a punching bag. Rather helpful.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

In Which I Complain

Life here is... kind of crazy. I mean, I had yesterday and today (Saturday and Sunday) off from training (we're done! Done, I say, done!), and tomorrow is Labour Day so no class yet, but, but, insane.

It's not so much that I have too much to do; there's no homework or anything (yet). It's just... training was long. I go to bed at a decent hour, get a decent amount of sleep, and still feel tired all day.

Mostly it's just that there's a lot of other things going on - things that aren't mine to share here - and I am stressed out. It's either going to get a lot better in the coming weeks as classes take over and suck my soul out... or a lot worse, as classes take over and suck my soul out and everything is still right there being stressful.

I think I'm done complaining now.

Hey, on the bright side, if I decide that the summer flatmate situation wasn't enough drama for a soap opera, I can always plug in the current Details of Life...

(Joke! Joke! Okay, so clearly my humour is not at its high point. I am going to bed.)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Do Too Much

Excuse me while I go deliver bags and meet with my VP and work on making the Ultimate Planner and crash.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lake Jump!

Okay, the evening redeemed the afternoon.

(Ten minute pause in which I break a lightbulb all over my floor and clean it - or most of it - hopefully all of it - up)

Anyway. We did a first-year all-house tonight. Later, when everyone's back, we'll do a full one, but first years get the whole spiel about roommates and living in a residence hall and so on and so forth.

Then we taught them all hall cheers - lied our butts off about why they were learning them, but hey, they listened - and sent them to get a towel "for the fire drill".

Then we jumped in the lake.

The lake is - yes - wet. Not that cold, but, well, disgusting and slimy and kind of fabulous. I've jumped in at least once every year since first year, so after we screamed our chants at the other halls (yes, I am loud enough for all of Munger and then some to hear me) I dove right in and joined a water fight against another hall.

Anyway. Now I have showered and am going to bed. I'll hoover again tomorrow in the hopes of not ripping my feet to shreds on stray bits of broken glass.

FY Move-in!

I am tired and my stomach is all in knots.

I can't explain the knots, but I can explain the tired: first-years moved in today. Move-in day is long and chaotic and fun and crazy and long. It is also one of my favourite days all year - yup, it all goes downhill from here - but oi.



Another meeting in twenty minutes.

Bed, please?

(Oh - but on the plus side - I have internet again.)