Monday, January 28, 2008

Can't be bothered with introductions

Classes started today, and I - proof of my true Humanities dorkiness - have two English classes and two Women's Studies classes (last semester I had three English and one Women's Studies - my friends thought I was insane, but then, I almost added a fifth class, also English). Only three of the four classes today (though it amounts to five hours in class... and I have a couple hundred pages to read already. Go me), and I am so excited.

Yup, I'm a dork.

I love reading. I love writing. One of the English classes is on Austen and Trollope; we're reading six novels this semester. The other English class, which starts in an hour, is Creative Writing. As far as I'm concerned, the Creative Writing department is the best one here - I love my professors, I love my classes, I love my homework...

My but it is so clearly the beginning of the semester. Perhaps I will have regained some vestige of sanity after a few weeks of never-ending work. Nevertheless, I am so glad to be back to writing.

Note to self: sort out thesis for next year.

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