Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Hiring Process

A thought on Creative Writing.

The department at my college is in the process of hiring a new professor; my favourite professor's term is up (it's a three-year position, I think; they like new blood). As an enthusiastic CW student, I'm involved in the process - now that they're down to three potential professors, a group of students (myself included) sits in on mock classes. They will pay us, I think, which is a nice (if strange) concept. Most of the CW department, along with some of the English department, sits in the back of the class while the candidate lectures/critiques/whatever. We're also permitted to offer feedback, although I'm honestly not sure how welcome it would be.

I've been to one of the three (the other two are next week) and find the process quite fascinating. I don't want to mention specifics, as the process isn't over, but it was a nice chance to meet somebody who might be one of my professors next year.

There's something else I want to say on the topic of Creative Writing, but it'll have to wait.

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