Friday, March 14, 2008


I don't really like change.

This is unfortunate, really, as things tend to change a lot - my family keeps moving, my friends go abroad, I (heaven forbid) change.

My family moved across town when I was in seventh grade. We moved again, halfway across the country, at the end of eighth grade. In eleventh and twelfth grades I was at boarding school (I lived on the same hall both years). I've lived in the same res hall for the two and a half - almost three - years that I've been in college. That's longer than I've lived anywhere since middle school - yes, I go home to the same house every summer, but I'm not there long. I'm here much more.

I'm a lifer. We're a rare breed, we lifers; most people change res halls at some point in their college career. All of my friends from first year moved into other halls sophomore year. You usually have to be pretty determined to be a lifer - I was an RA here last year and I'm an RA here again this year, which helped.

So I wasn't so sure about applying for the House President position: there are two other very qualified people, also lifers, who listed this hall as their first choice for HP. I had no idea what to expect, especially as the Residence Life office was really late in sending out HP decisions this year (HPs usually find out before RAs - this year RAs found out a week earlier). I thought that I might be offered a position elsewhere, and I wasn't sure how I'd feel about that. Some days I think yes, can't wait to get out of here - but I think that's in reference to my college, not to my dorm. Worse than an HP position elsewhere, though, would be a rejection and "consolation prize" of RA. For all that I don't like change, I don't think I can be an RA again.

They finally sent out the emails yesterday. Much to my surprise - I literally gasped in shock - I've been offered the HP position in my dorm. The other two qualified lifers have been offered positions in other halls, where I think they'll both do really well.

It's change, in a way, but it's good change. A step up, I hope.

I'm very proud to be a lifer here.

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