Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 63: "You're Part of Me!"

Evidently Vancouver has malls. Funny; I'd never really considered the idea.

Anyway, I found a mall today and wandered around. It wasn't particularly interesting, as a lot of the stores were more high-end than I care for (I mean, really, I'd rather shop at the Salvation Army), but it was okay.

The thought-provoking part, though, was the guy I saw in the food court. He was on his cell phone, yelling at his girlfriend: "You're part of me! Why are you still listening to other people? Nobody wants us together." The girlfriend showed up a few minutes later and the yelling - well, whisper-yelling - continued in the same vein.

If I ever date somebody who tells me that I shouldn't listen to anybody else because I am "part of them", that will be the end of the relationship. Bleh. I hope she dumps him. Soon.

Tonight was the last night of fireworks - the finale - so I went down to the Granville Street Bridge with a bunch of my flatmates and watched. It was pretty cool, really. I dunno who won the competition, but it was nice.

Okay. Bedtime.

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