Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 66: Airing Your Dirty... Dishes

Man. I am sick of living in a house with seven other people. Or rather - I am sick of living in a house with seven other people, one of whom takes forever and a day when he showers and at least two of whom don't clean up after themselves in the kitchen.

...not that the kitchen thing is any different from school, but...

Anyway. The new intern was in today. I sorted out the latest changes for a manuscript (caught a typo! Yay. But there is one change that we have told the designer to make three times already, and it still hasn't been done. Alas!) and dealt with some emails while my boss gave her the overview. I'm not entirely sure why she hadn't gotten it already; probably my boss just got distracted.

She and I stuck around after my boss left, and I gave her a crash course in computers. I guess she hasn't had much cause to do much with computers before, but hey, she learned quickly. Anyway, if she needs to know more complicated things my boss will show her (this was the last I'll see of her, as she won't be in next week and I leave next Thursday).

We got lunch at the Public Market and ran into one of the other women from the class. She paints on glass and has a booth at the PM - her work is really beautiful.

And now I am home, and have had dinner, and done other people's dishes, and am being anti-social. OH and does anyone have tips on chest-binding? I think that some of my flatmates are rather homophobic, and I am feeling evil enough to push them out of their comfort zones.

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