Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 68: Killing the Orphans

Aaaahhh bedtime -

My boss and I went through a proof today several times - first to double-check some dialogue in a foreign language, then to make sure that the designer had put the changes in correctly, then to find widows and orphans, then because I said, "Wait, that's not right"...

It was a lot of fun. Yes, I am serious. Actually, the orphan-hunting might've been the best part, mostly because I can refer to it as orphan-killing (there would've been widow-killing, too, but at this stage widows are really pretty rare because they're so freaking obvious. And ugly. Although some people call orphans widows and widows orphans, so maybe I really was killing the widows...).

Also I like it because it makes me sound evil. Kill the orphans! Kill the widows! Heh. (For those of you who don't speak Nerd,

The rather... odd... intern was in again today. She did get some things done, but - and I don't think it's entirely her fault - she sets my teeth on edge. I think it is largely because she and I have very (very) different working styles, and they sort of... clash. She left after an hour, though, so I relaxed again after that.

I know it sounds as though I'm bad-mouthing her - I don't mean to, really, there are just other people I'm happier to work with.

Anyway. Some stuff should be happening tomorrow with regard to the "squeeee"ness yesterday... so we shall see. And home is still very nice and peaceful, so that is good too. And now - away! Away!

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