Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 62: Editor Meeting

Change of plans - the editors were in to discuss a completely different manuscript, one about which they all (two editors + publisher) all have very strong opinions. Me? Mostly I agree with them; mostly I also kept my mouth shut. General consensus: the writing has some very good points and some not-so-very-good points; x, y, and z need to be done to make it ready for publishing. Now the author just has to, you know, agree to x, y, and z and then actually do x, y, and z.

It was interesting, to say the least. It would've been nice if the editors had at least pretended to be happy that I was sitting in on the meeting, but eh, at least they were polite. At any rate, my boss wanted me there, which is really all that matters.

Brian was supposed to come by, but he had a meeting. We could've met later, but - Friday - and tired - and three-day weekend - so I went home.

Glad am I indeed that it is a three-day weekend (Monday's BC day - something that I just learned today), because I need the sleep. I don't know what else I'll do with the weekend, though.

Also: I had to walk down to Granville Street this morning to buy an August bus pass... I tried to get one yesterday at the gas station, where all my flatmates say that they buy theirs, but the clerk said that they don't sell them (huh?). Anyway, I took the express bus, since it stops at my stop near work - I got on ten minutes before I usually get on the other bus, got off early to walk part of the way, but still got to work twenty minutes before I usually did.

...mind, when you factor in the ten-minute walk from where I live, it doesn't make a huge difference.

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