Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 73: The Final Countdown

Well, I was going to take a shower, but Tim is in there and he takes forever (I thought it was supposed to be girls who took forever in the bathroom?). I don't want to sit around for forty minutes to shower. I druther go to bed and shower in the morning.

Today was my last day of work. I ended up walking to Granville to catch the bus, as I couldn't get into the bathroom this morning either (am I sensing a theme here? Thankfully this isn't par for the course) and so was running early. It's a nice walk, at any rate.

Work itself was more or less normal... lots of time spent arguing with Excel, lots of time spent hunting things down on the internet, some time spent talking with my boss about Where Do [I] Go From Here (errr. Sorry. I don't know what's with me and song titles today.).

I got lunch from the PM - terrible service - and tried to figure out 3D drawing for a while. I am truly terrible at drawing. Then Brian came by... today was my last day to meet with him, too, but we nearly finished typing up the book, I think.

Tomorrow I pack. Thursday I fly.

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