Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vancouver, day 11

Okay, so work was... workish. Lots of emails, a bit of talking to people, et cetera. I guess I'm not in the mood to discuss the internship today...

Normally I get lunch (a very late lunch) from the Public Market, but today there was something that smelled so wonderfully, amazingly delicious that I just had to follow my nose... to a bakery. Okay, I can live with that. I got a demi-baguette and ate it by the dock (couldn't be bothered to get something from the Market to put on it. Besides, it was tasty on its own).

I almost did the mini-tour thing on the boat, but... I'm holding out for a sunny day, dammit! Naturally, says that the next sunny day is Sunday (when I don't have plans to be on Granville Island. Le sigh. Maybe I'll have to make plans to be there). So instead I walked around for a bit longer. I found a cute park-like thing (quite small, a bit twee) and a path that promised to take me to the beach (hmmmm - again, would've liked to take it, but I did not want to be rained on. Another thing for later). There was also something that looked like a wee water park, but I guess it's too cold at the moment for it to be in operation.

I got off the bus at the correct stop, but instead of going straight home I walked in the direction that looked sunniest (or - more accurately - the sky looked least angry). Since that area happened to be the nearest shopping area, I bought grapes and sat with my book - I always have a book - in, no joke, sunlight.

Sun! I had sun! For like fifteen minutes before the clouds came and stole it again!

So mission accomplished for the day. Grapes + sun = happiness.

Although somebody removed my remaining tortillas from my shelf in the fridge. I wanted one for breakfast tomorrow... but now I can have grapes instead :)

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