Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vancouver, day 4

Err. Stress?

Today was actually quite decent... when I got to work I sent out, under the direction of my boss, a couple of emails. When that was done, my boss called me over to look at a manuscript - he'd just gotten it back from the editor and didn't much like the changes, so he changed things around a bit. I think he wanted my opinion in part because he wanted another opinion and in part because he wanted to see what I would do with it. It was fun, anyway (a lot like what I do when I copy-edit), and I don't think I disgraced myself too terribly.

We also had a look at some unsolicited stuff - he wasn't thrilled with any of it, but I think that's normal for unsolicited stuff. It's also a very small company, so they don't publish many books. Something has to be really good to be accepted.

Later I looked over another manuscript (I'll be working with the author on another thing he's writing with the same characters, so I needed to get used to the characters and writing style), organized some more things - the office isn't the most organized place - and left.

I went to the bank to deposit a check and sort some things out, but it's going to be three weeks(!!) before the check clears, because it's American. Did not anticipate that. I called my mother, and she sorted things out with her bank so that I can withdraw money from her account and not starve (okay, am exaggerating. I'd manage, but it'd be tighter than I'd like.)

Oy vey.

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