Thursday, June 19, 2008

Vancouver, day 19

Ack, almost bedtime.

Do I even have anything to say today? up. Ate breakfast (note to self: eat a real breakfast tomorrow, please; emotions get way out of whack when hunger kicks in). Went to work. Got stuff done (reorganized bookshelves - my boss wasn't there and I needed a project - sorted out some internet stuff, which is tbc, tried and failed to convince myself to make some phone calls that... really should be made. But hopefully not by me.). Left, got lunch. Went home. Knit. Read.

OH - I had a horrific dream about a boat last night. Imagine a tiny, tiny ferry. Then imagine trying to drive onto it in an eighteen-wheeler. Technically the damn truck fit on the boat, but the boat rocked up and down and there was water everywhere and I had my eyes squeezed shut and I was screaming, screaming -

Then I woke up.

And now I am going to bed.

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