Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vancouver, day 24

Book launch!

Okay: woke up (did not want to wake up this morning), went to work, did work-ish things, left work, got lunch, went home.

Well - actually, stopped at the library (books! Six of them. Enough to hold me... erm... maybe til the weekend?) and the grocery store (becos omg TEA) on the way home. But then I went home.

Had a quick dinner (read: peanut butter sandwich and carrots), repacked my bag, then ran out again to go to the children's book store where we were launching, simultaneously, two books.

I ended up getting there a bit early - I wanted to get there early in case my boss did, plus I wasn't sure how long it would take to get there - so after doing some minimal set-up (they couldn't do most of it just then), another intern showed up and suggested that we get coffee before the launch. We found an excellent coffee shop and sat and talked for a while... she's probably not somebody I'd hang out with much back in the real wor - wait. Did I just refer to Wellesley as the real world? Somebody smack me. Back in the bubble, I mean. Anyway, she's really nice and really smart, so... ::shrugs::

The launch itself went well. The kids were happy, the adults were happy, the authors did readings (which went over very well), and I kept an eye on the refreshment table and replenished as necessary. Neither I nor the other intern could figure out exactly what we were supposed to be doing (honestly? We probably could've just shown up and been guests. But neither of us liked being useless, so we carried cookies and coffee - oh, look, alliteration - instead), but it worked out okay.

I just barely caught the bus, but catch it I did... turns out it's not so bad to run in flats. Also! My aunt and cousin came, and I'll be seeing them later this week (spending a night over there, just not sure which night yet), and next week for Canada Day. I hadn't realized quite how nice it would be to have family in the city, but there you go.

Anyway. Bedtime!

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