Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Vancouver, day 18


Early this morning I got a heads-up that I wasn't expecting but which doesn't totally surprise me. I don't really know what to do about it (I know, I know, cryptic. I really can't say more than that right now).

On another note, the girls (can't remember how many; haven't met them) who live in the apartment downstairs are... loud. They are probably in their early twenties and enjoying having a flat of their own and so on and so forth. Sometimes this is fine. Sometimes, such as when I want to sleep, it is less fine.

Work was fine - I don't exactly work independently, so if my boss goes out for a while I don't usually have much to do... but hey, I got some reading done. Later I took more dictation (good posture = back pain), which was fun. More typos than last time, but so far I've been very good about noting where they are so that I can go back and fix them. I also went to the local library - it's much, much smaller than the branch downtown, but who cares? It still has books.

Yeesh, I'm tired. I have a mouth ulcer the size of Texas waaaay in the back of my mouth, and while I am relieved that it is only a mouth ulcer and not Tooth Death, as I had initially feared, it bites. Pun intended. Excuse me while I go take ibuprofen, find a scarf pattern, and crash.

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