Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vancouver, day 12

Today I: put together forty copies of our newest book, stuffed twenty-five envelopes to send to reviewers, earned praise from my boss by catching a (major) bit of wrong information in the sell sheets (publicity sheets sent to bookstores, reviewers, etc). To be fair, I only caught it because I had been goofing off and reading the book instead of putting it together - understand, please, that the thing I was putting together wasn't what will be sold in stores, but it has all of the text and pictures and the like - but it was a pretty good catch to make nonetheless.

Okay. Done tooting my own horn now.

I went for a walk after work, down the path that had promised to take me to the beach. It lied - well, maybe I just didn't go far enough* - but it was quite a lovely walk... all gravel road and sunny sky and grass to the left and river to the right. Really, really nice.

The bus I caught to go home made me cranky. The driver was in the process of being trained - I doubt he'd driven a bus before - and, while I am glad that he was erring on the side of caution rather than the side of speed (or... something), it was a bit exasperating.

...consequently, I got off and went to buy tortillas to replace the ones that mysteriously went missing from my refrigerator shelf. Also gnocchi. Yummy, although it (they?) probably would've tasted better with pesto. I'll have to find some somewhere... oh, and then of course by the time I took another bus home (with a more experienced driver) it was rush hour. D'oh.

*Emailed my aunt, who confirmed that I was indeed on the right path and simply gave up too easily. Alas! I have failed! Le sigh.

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