Saturday, June 7, 2008

Vancouver, day 7

Saturday, so no work. I was going to go to the aquarium - it's out in or near Stanley Park - but I looked it up online and decided that I didn't really want to pay $18 to see a bunch of fish (okay, I'm sure it's nicer than just a bunch of fish, but eh). I ended up going to the Queen Elizabeth Park instead, and it was gorgeous (and free) and sunny and had all sorts of fabulous flowers. I was feeling too shy to ask anyone to take my picture, but I have plenty of photos of trees and flowers and scenery (dunno how to post them, though).

Later I went to the library - very wee, unfortunately, not a place to sit and curl up with a book for a few hours - just to scope it out (I don't have a card yet), then sat in a nice independant coffee shop for a while.

I had a full conversation with one of my flatmates, something that tends to put me in a good mood. I like knowing that I'm living with really nice, interesting people and that it's okay to talk and crack jokes and what have you. Seems small, but it's a really good feeling.

You know, at first when I got here I was amazed by the lack of screens in the windows, but it really doesn't matter. In North Carolina if you left the windows open without screens you'd be inviting in all sorts of bees and wasps and moths, but not so much here. I guess it's largely because it's so much cooler and less humid.

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