Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vancouver, day 28

Right... it is Late.

I found that stationery shop today - it was quite nice - and then wandered around for a while. I figure that as long as I know a) where I started and b) which direction (N, E, S, W) I'm going in then I won't get lost. That theory's worked pretty well so far. I managed to find cable needles (not the kind I really wanted, but whatever, these'll do) and, even better, $1 bamboo knitting needles. I dunno how long they'll last, but - hey, if they break, replacing them would still be a hell of a lot cheaper than getting them from a knitting shop (found them in a dollar store).

Later I came home and did some light editing for a friend, then had dinner and talked to a couple of my flatmates. Not long thereafter, as I was making tea, another (very talkative) flatmate came in and asked me some publishing questions. I gave the correct answers and explanations, but didn't press the point that it can be really hard to get published, especially if you're really only in it for the money (and - believe me, most authors do not get paid enough to live on). Nothing personal against this flatmate, but I really don't think it's going to happen.

Anyway. The other two came back through on their way out and I asked where they were headed. The Chinatown Night Market, they said, did I want to come? A polite excuse was on the tip of my tongue, but then I thought - why not? Sounds like more fun (to me) than a pub, and it certainly wouldn't hurt to be social with my flatmates. And so I went.

We got a little bit lost, but not too badly, and generally speaking it was a good time. I think the male flatmate got a little bit sick of getting dragged along to jewelery stalls, but he barely complained. The stuff was cheap - quality and price both - but it was a lot of fun to poke around and try to find the diamond in the rough, so to speak. It was also a chance to discuss house drama while, you know, out of the house.

We had to wait a long time for the bus, but I didn't mind. I think I'm going to skip church tomorrow - sleep seems, at the moment, the preferable option - but it's definitely worth that to have had a fun (sober!) evening out.

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