Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Vancouver, day 3

8:00 AM: Wake up. It's raining.
9:00 AM: Bus to work/internship/thing (still haven't figured out what to call it).
9:40 AM: Some time in the next few weeks I will decide that it is okay not to be twenty minutes early (busses run every ten minutes, so...). That hasn't happened yet, so I walk around Granville Island*
10:00 AM: Go inside. Wait.
10:20 AM: Ze Boss shows up and shows me where the spare key is kept, so that I can let myself in.
10:30 AM: Ze Boss (hmm, maybe that's his new code name) tells me that one of his authors needs somebody to take dictation and that he thought of me. I start next week, I get paid, and I get to work with an actual author (when I've typed up the book, I'm going to work directly with the editor).
10:45 AM: Another intern (anyone who takes Ze Boss's class is welcome to intern - they do a once-a-week thing. I'm an every day intern, cos I'm just here for the summer and haven't taken the class... though more on that later) comes in.
11:00 AM: An editor comes in.
11:00-1:15: Not a whole lot gets done, honestly. I prepare a package of books to be sent off and doctor** a book review. The editor and the other intern and I all have a good laugh over children's reviews of a book (viewed online).
1:15: I leave for lunch and a wander - Ze Boss (I don't like this code name. Will have to come up with something else.) has left already and will come back later, so I have some free time. Granville Island's pretty small, so it's easy to navigate, though I really wish I'd brought that camera.
2:15: I go back to the office (Ze Boss is due back at 2:30) and read one of the books that I've been "assigned" for tomorrow.
2:30: Ze Boss returns. I'm not obligated to be here - my internship is 10 to 2 - but another editor's coming over and they're going to go through a manuscript.
2:45: Is everybody in this industry late? The editor's here.
5:15: Done! It's a chapter book, and fortunately they had already gone through more than half of it.
5:30: Ze Boss drops me at the bus stop: I am to sit in on his class.
6:00: I get to UBC.
6:18: I find the classroom, thank god, after asking no fewer than five people for directions. Yeesh.
6:30-9:40: Classclassclassclassclass
9:50: Somebody in the class very kindly drives me home.
10:30: Home! Thank goodness. Bedtime. Really, really bedtime.

*Not actually an island, but very cool. I meant to bring a camera today (forgot, naturally).
**Basically I retyped the review and set the document up to look exactly like the original (since the scans turned out very poorly), then saved it as a pdf. Now it can be used to send out to... I dunno, anyone who needs a review of that book.

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