Monday, June 2, 2008

Vancouver, day 2

Success! I found the publishing company without too much difficulty (I am very good at getting people to give me directions). The bus is crazy expensive, but I bought a bus pass this afternoon, so I don't have to worry about the crazy-expensive again (until next month, when I have to buy another bus pass).

The publishing company was nice. It's a very small operation - literally one room - but the publisher is very nice (he said that he can put in a good word or two for me in the publishing world once I graduate) and so far very patient. He showed me some of the bits of different steps in the process of getting a book ready for publishing, following which I sorted a bunch of electronic files and tidied a table (there wasn't much I could do with the table, truthfully, but now it looks a bit more organized).

A lot of publishing companies don't accept unsolicited submissions, but this one does. Most of the books they publish are solicited - there's a reason the unsolicited stuff is called "slush" - but I am really, really hoping to get to read some slush at some point. It sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Later, once I found my way home (without too much trouble. I relied on intuition, and intuition proved correct), I went back to the grocery store to get said bus card. I also stopped in at the thrift store, which was actually quite nice... now I have reading material, too, and when I can get a library card (I need proof of residence first) I will have more or less unlimited access to books. Tomorrow I'm going to sort out bank stuff and sit in on a class on children's lit publishing.

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