Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vancouver, day 25

One of my flatmates: "I forgot what I was going to do. That tends to happen when you're stoned."
Me: "Yeah, I imagine it would."

Note: marajuana (in small amounts, at any rate) is indeed legal in Canada.

Other note: nope. Still not interested.

Work today was brainless. I mean, I didn't mind - I can do brainless (no comments from the peanut gallery) - but it was.... yeah. By the time I started doing more interesting stuff, it was 1:45. The more interesting stuff ended at 2:15, and I was just about to say that I should leave - I'm supposed to be done at 2:00 - when my boss pointed me in the direction of another brainless task.

...le sigh.

Anyway. 3:00 came, and the author I'm taking dictation from walked in.

Note: He wasn't supposed to be there today. He was supposed to be there tomorrow.

After a brief conversation in which we decided that yes, today was fine, I just needed a break for food, my boss tried to point me back in the direction of the brainless task.

Note: umm.... no?

Having reached the point at which food was really necessary to keep me from crying (apparantly hunger makes me emotional?), I pointed out that I really needed to get something to eat, so he set me free. Food. Oh my god food. I felt much better by the time I went back to take dictation, though the author was reading a bit faster than normal, which led to more slip-ups, and finally I had to ask him to please slow down.

Oh well. It got done, right?

So we departed - he'll come Friday, not tomorrow, which is good because I'm going to see Bard on the Beach tomorrow - and I went to one of those little grocery shops and got peppers and yogurt. Now I am home, and there is nothing to do but laundry (in the dryer right now) and shower and sleep.

Well, and make my bed. But I hate doing that so much that I'm just pretending, for the next few minutes, that I don't have to do that.

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