Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vancouver, day 29

Ended up at church after all, because it was really hot this morning and I couldn't stay asleep. I'm glad I went, because the service was interesting - about evil and God and evolution (yes, they were all linked, and no, it was not about how evolution's evil; quite the opposite. Actually, I think an "evolution is evil" speaker might get booed out of a UU church. Maybe. Though we tend to be pretty tolerant of other opinions, so... you never know. I'm rambling, aren't I?)

Then it was on to the main library branch, because it has a much better selection than the local branch. I was kidding when I said last week that my trip to the local branch would tide me over 'til the weekend - I thought the books would last longer than that - but, uh, I was running out of reading material.

I started to head home after that, but changed my mind (it was still early) and went to Gastown, the very touristy part of downtown. I saw the infamous Steam Clock (though naturally I forgot my camera today, so I'll have to go back) and stuck my nose into a few gift shops (pretty much all of which sold the exact same things). Maple sugar candy is tasty.

When I got sick of walking - I love love love my ballet flats, but they don't exactly have cushioning or arch support - I hid out in a coffee shop for a while, then gradually worked my way back to the bus (controlled wandering again).

I'm spending tomorrow night at my aunt's, and then Tuesday is Canada Day, so no work (barbeque at my aunt's, and maybe I'll go find the beach or something).

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