Friday, June 27, 2008

Vancouver, day 27

Shit! Who do I know on the West Coast? Aaaaaaah.

...stupid time difference.

Anyway. Today I kept going with my Excel project from yesterday, adding more data and correcting errors and so on and so forth. An intern - one who actually comes in regularly, the one who was at the book launch - was there, so we talked about work stuff and random stuff (she pointed me in the direction of what she says is an excellent stationery store, which I think I will find soon... like, tomorrow soon...). She also gave me the idea to add lists of awards, shortlists, nominations, and reviews to the ISBN chart, so it's getting bigger and more complicated and it's so much fun.

Have I mentioned that I'm a total nerd?

Later the dictation author came by, and we got through a couple of pages of one story and about ten pages of another. The pacing was really good today, so there were entire pages without typos when I went back through to correct it before printing.

Then, because I decided on a whim that I wasn't going to want to cook dinner, I got pizza (mmm pesto) and came home. And... now I am going "shit! Who do I know on the West Coast? Aaaaaaah."

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