Monday, June 9, 2008


I have mail! Two letters from my mother!

My day just improved significantly. Take that, rain!


Nikita said...

*hugs* i know how that can be. the last two summers i was at wellesley by myself and i would go days without coming in contact with another human being. don't recommend that, btw. human contact is a plus.

i'm afraid there isn't much to do about homesickness aside from all of the stuff you're already doing, like going to church and talking to your flatmates and exploring. hang in there! you seem like a very independent person so i have no doubt that you'll be okay.

p.s. i have 9 blisters on my feet. ow.

Unknown said...

yay mail! and what exactly is your internship?? I am currently living the life in Boston at a firm as a summer associate. hope all is well!

your favorite HP-obsessed HP

Liralen said...

Sophie! Hi! I'm interning for a children's/YA publisher in Vancouver. Basically I do... whatever needs doing, really, from filing to copyediting to talking to authors to vacuuming to... it's tons of fun, though I am sad that I left Wellesley too early to see you. How long are you in Boston?

Also: Nikita, please stay in one piece, eh?