Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Cast

Alicia, the person whose name is on the lease. Just back from a vacation.
George: formerly dating Alicia. No longer in the picture.
Kelsey: former flatmate; moved to a more permanent location a week and a half ago.
John: New flatmate - dating Kelsey. All-around nice guy.
Matt: here for six months before going back to school in Britain. Bit of a wiseass, but generally nice.
Hannah: dating Matt; also planning to go back to school when the six months are up. Good sense of humour.
Tim: very new flatmate. No idea what he's doing here. If I didn't have a fake name for him I'd be stuck, as he is too new for me to be able to remember his real one.

My boss, also known as the publisher. Appears disorganized, but can tell you exactly where anything in the office is, along with when each thing is being published and what needs to be done with it.
Brian, the author from whom I take dictation. Fairly soft-spoken; knowledgeable about Vancouver.

Loren, another intern. Comes in on Fridays. More easy-going than I am, but still gets her shit done.

Vancouver family:
Diane, my aunt. Am very very glad that she lives in Vancouver.
Rory, my cousin. Just turned nineteen, but is a mature nineteen (this said from the loftly experience of twenty).
James, my other cousin. Almost fifteen, but again, a mature fifteen. Lots of fun to be around.
Paul, my step-uncle (or uncle, depending upon how you look at it). I don't know him terribly well yet.

Note: yes, all names have been changed, and yes, there is some rhyme and reason to the names selected. Also - now I can use names when I talk about people! Err, some of the time. And fake names, anyway.

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