Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 53: Fireworks

Aaaahh need sleep -

Dreamed last night that Jehovah's Witnesses came to the door and I asked them to please go away and not come back (I asked more politely than that - or, I was polite until they told me that the people in my house were considered in too much need of saving for that to happen).

Work: spent pretty much the entire time a) answering the phone and b) sorting out some notes that a proofreader sent my boss. Basically I compared the notes to the manuscript and sent my boss answers to the proofreader's questions (which - well, basically she was right, but her questions being in question format was... sort of a matter of hierarchy/deference). It shouldn't have taken me as long as it did, but then, I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted from me (his emails to me tend to be not very clear. Last week, an email from an author cleared up the mystery of one of my boss's emails...).

Anyway. At lunch I went and registered to go whale-watching this weekend. Bryan came by after lunch and we churned out another ten (single-space) pages. Word crashed, actually, killing some of what we'd done - but thankfully it died only a paragraph or so in, so there was very little to redo (after that particular incident, however, I saved about every minute and a half.). Better yet, today I was able to clean up the entire thing as I went - when I did a scan for errors before printing the pages, I turned up only one typo.

After work I went home, unpacked and repacked my bag, grabbed a bite to eat, and caught the bus to Kits, where my aunt lives. We (me, my aunt and uncle, and James) had fruit and tea and then walked to the beach to watch the fireworks: every year Vancouver hosts an international fireworks competition. There are always three countries competing (this year they're Canada, China, and the U.S.), and each gives a show on a separate night. The last night - the fourth night - I believe the winner gives a second show.

Tonight was the first night, Canada's night. It was good, lots of fun, et cetera... hopefully I'll get to see more of them, too.

The downside: trying to get home at ten-forty-five at night when the streets were mobbed with other people (and cars) trying to do the same thing. I had the luck to catch a bus to Broadway (I even had a seat, but then a very drunk idiot who was trying to talk to me sat down in the next seat, and I thought I would prefer to stand - somewhere else) and then a bus down Granville. Walking back from Granville to Oak was not the most fun thing ever, but it's a short enough walk and most of it was well-lit.

Anyway. Home now. Bedtime.

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