Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 58: Row, Row, Row Your Boat

I went to the Maritime Museum after work today; it's a short walk from Granville Island and I want to log some museum time before leaving. I'm glad I went, as a lot of it was quite interesting. The best part was the St. Roch, the ship around which the museum was built (literally). You only get twenty minutes on the ship, but that was enough time to see what there is to see - the deck, of course, and the little cabin with the steering wheel, the crew's quarters, the private cabins for the captain and the like, the little library/reading room, et cetera. You can't go into the hold, probably for fire safety reasons, but there was still a lot to see. Evidently a native guide went with the ship, and he and his family of seven slept in a tent on the deck for the entire trip. The tent, which was there, is... tiny. One person could sleep comfortably in it. Two would be... doable, but cramped. But seven?

Also, while the ship was pretty cool indeed, a claustrophobic person wouldn't want to live in a ship. Or in an igloo, for that matter.

After the museum I got tea (was so very very tired) and wandered around for a while before settling down to write postcards and knit. At six-thirty I headed back to the office for class - it's sort of a follow-up for the classes I went to in June, but in the office rather than at UBC (thank goodness; takes much less time to get home) and seven people rather than twenty. It was actually really interesting, probably because there were fewer people. Everyone seemed more comfortable, cracking jokes and asking questions.

Tomorrow one of the people in the class will come in to intern; she started last week but I was at SFU. I'm glad she's starting, because I only have a couple more weeks and somebody has to take over The List (Lauren's going away for four months starting in August, or she would; my boss... well, he's organized, sort of, but it's all in his head rather than on paper). Okay, so that's a kind of selfish reason, but I've put a lot of time and effort into that list.

Anyway. Home now. Bedtime.

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