Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 36: On the Road Again

Last night, after the wedding reception, everyone came back over to Granny and Grandpa's with a strawberry shortcake for Grandpa, whose 80th birthday was last month. He managed to get 79 of the 80 candles in one breath, which we all thought was pretty impressive.

In the morning we had a weeding party, as the raspberries have gone somewhat unattended this year. There were at least fifteen of us, and we managed to get several big stretches of weeds pulled out, but there was still a lot to be done when we stopped -

- which we did so that my mother and aunt and cousin and I could get to the aeroport to fly back to Vancouver. Uneventful flight, though I think the security people were a leeeetle bit bored (they wanted an explanation for my cable needle, for crying out loud).

The car my mum had rented turned out to be an enormous barge of a thing, an SUV, though at least it runs well. My family only ever rents small cars, but this was all they had... anyway, we did some grocery shopping (food!), dropped it off at my house, checked my mum in at her hotel, and went off to meet some friends of hers for dinner.

The friends were nice - they're in the middle of renovating their house, so both greeted us in paint-splattered clothing. She's French, and both a niece (French) and the daughter of a family friend (Quebecois) are spending the summer there to improve their English. The two girls were very polite indeed, and are both my age, but I rather suspect that they stayed interested mostly out of manners (especially since the girl from France didn't have enough English to follow most of the conversation...).

Eventually - four and a half hours later! - we departed, and my mother dropped me at home. Tomorrow I think we'll attempt to go around Stanley Park on bicycles (on that note, if you hear in the news of a girl who couldn't steer her bike and ended up going over the seawall and cracking her head open - that'll be me).

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