Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 54: Happy Birthday

My boss was back today (back for real, that is), so we dealt with mail and talking to a printer that we might be contracting with and revising some publicity sheets and sending out more mail and rejecting a manuscript submission and various phone calls and finding email addresses and sending out more emails and... so on and so forth.

It was 2:20 when I left, and I was really freaking hungry, so I went to Starbucks. When the line didn't move for five minutes, I left, deciding to take my coffee business elsewhere. Yay coffee.

I got home and did not much for a while, but my aunt called around 6:20 to ask if I'd gotten her email. "No," I said, "what email?"

Apparently she had invited me for my cousin (James)'s birthday dinner, but because we communicate via facebook message, I hadn't gotten it - I don't usually know that I have a facebook message unless my email tells me. Anyway, she said that if I didn't mind heading out again, I was still welcome, so I hoofed it to Kits and made it there just after seven (actually - I just checked facebook, and she said to come around seven anyway, so...).

The dinner was fun; it was my aunt and uncle and cousins and one of my step-cousins, plus her boyfriend and Rory's boyfriend. Food and cake (pumpkin cheesecake) and silliness and gift-opening (lots more silliness there).

Later we watched bits and pieces of video from my other step-cousin's wedding, and then Diane and James and I went to buy a secondhand bike frame, found on Craigslist, for James. Once that was successfully completed, they drove me home.

D'accord, off to bed I go.

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