Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 48: The Weather Report Predicts Cold Showers

Work was more or less uneventful today; Loren was in and we got some stuff done (not much, as there wasn't much to do). We didn't end up getting lunch because neither of us could, so I grabbed a bite on my own before going back to the office to meet Brian. Oh, and another aspiring writer came by to drop off a manuscript. I think he was a bit disappointed not to meet the actual publisher (i.e. my boss), but, well, can't help there.

I have figured out the shower here - sort of. I can't make it hot, but I can avoid the frigid freezingness that happens every eighty seconds or so. This is my shower:
-twist the cold tap cautiously until water comes out of the showerhead.
-give the hot tap a few full turns.
-test the water.
-give the hot tap another turn or two.
-get in the shower.
-feel the water pressure drop.
-step back, out of the stream of water, just before the water transitions abruptly from lukewarm to frigid.
-get sick of waiting; splash palmfuls of frigid water over self in an attempt at rinsing.
-feel intense joy at the increase in water pressure, and, correspondingly, water termperature.
-duck back under the spray and rinse as quickly as possible.
-get out before the showerhead decides to shoot icicles at me.

Aren't you sorry you don't have my shower?

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