Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 60: "You're Missing the Fireworks"

More rain.

Work was fine; entertaining, even. We found a problem with one of the Amazon pages for one of our books, which led to finding problems with two more Amazon pages (the information for two of our books was completely mixed up and weird). We sorted that out, though, and sent off about ten emails about it, and talked about a manuscript that we're starting work on. Tomorrow I think an editor, a different one, is coming in.

Brian came by and we got another ten and a half pages done. It's kind of cool to see this from both ends of the process - from the author's perspective, I mean, but also from a more editorial perspective. I can tell where things might need tweaking, farther down the line. Not that I'll be here by then, but... still kind of cool.

And now... I am home. I did some knitting and watched some Law and Order and am now holed up in my room. Am not feeling terribly social this week. There are fireworks tonight - it's China's turn - but I didn't want to get home around midnight again. Too tired.

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