Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 45: Highlights

1) Got up; went to work (had a bus driver I like - she smiles in recognition when she sees me reading)

2) Did a lot of work-related reading and did a bit more sorting out of things for the website

3) An illustrator is coming by at some point this week to pick up some books. I had the dubious honour of finding said books, which were in a box, on top of many other boxes (and thus out of my reach without standing on a rickety chair), with more boxes (even more out of my reach) piled on it, in the back of the closet. All of the boxes, being full of (hardcover) books, were heavy. Don't let's get into how hard it was to get the boxes down without falling, knocking over the Leaning Tower of Boxes, or completely destroying my back.

3a) And, after all that, the illustrator didn't come today.

4) Met up with Rory and James (cousins) for lunch. They are good company.

5) Went home via Granville Street, because I needed carrots. Okay: I had carrots, so I shouldn't have needed them, but they went missing from the fridge. Now, I didn't mind when the butter went missing (I had more - and I barely use any anyway) or the cheese (if it wasn't bad then, it didn't have a lot of life left in it), but that was an unopened bag of carrots, dammit.

5a) Which brings me to a dilemma. If I buy food on an as-needed basis my fridge shelf isn't completely full (yeah - I don't eat much). Then various flatmates put stuff on it, which I don't really mind except that i. they put it in front, so it's hard to get to my stuff, and ii. apparently then they tend to mistake my food for theirs (when the grapes go missing, we will have war. Count on it.). I don't mind sharing either shelf space or food, but, but, ask before taking my food? Please?

Now. If I buy more food than I am likely to need, I can get my shelf to be, or at least look, full. Then people are less likely to use the extra space (since there isn't really any) and therefore less likely to think that my food is actually their food. However, then, since I have bought more food than I need, some of it goes bad before I can get around to using it. Either way, I don't get to eat all of my food.

6) But I went to the library today, too. That makes up for food problems, because now I have reading material.

7) Also? I'm not homesick, but - I miss Wellesley.

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