Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vancouver, day 30

I suppose I could've posted from work yesterday, but I am avoiding all non-work related blogs while actually at work, on matter of principle.

Anyway, yesterday was fine... I'm still working on my spreadsheet, which is slowly expanding as we think of more things to go in. It started with one ISBN number (the ten-digit one if possible), the title, author(s), illustrator(s), age range, year of publication, and whether it's paperback or hardcover. Next I added the thirteen-digit ISBN numbers, then information for books that have both paperback and hardcover editions. On the suggestion of the sane intern, I added a new page for awards, shortlists, and nominations (and then, when that was done, I added a column noting who had reviewed each book). Next up: my boss suggested that I add a column - entire Excel page, more like - containing the blurbs in the catalogue.

This project is my baby.

Anyway. Eventually I departed and got lunch (and watched a street performer, who was really quite good) before heading over to Kits, where my aunt lives. I had a wonderful evening - talked to my aunt for a while, helped put dinner together, ate with my aunt and my cousin and my cousin's boyfriend, walked to the beach with my cousin and got excellent gelato, etc. My aunt had put me up in my other cousin's room for the night - he was staying at his dad's, I think - and so I had a lovely comfortable night.

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