Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 33: Bridal Shower in the Middle of Nowhere


Got up, ate breakfast, was picked up by my aunt (and my cousin, and my... step-uncle?). Away we went to the aeroport, where my aunt and cousin and I (my step-uncle(?) dropped us off) got coffee/scones before climbing on a plane and flying far far away.

Only not really that far.

Anyway, my parents picked us up at the Castlegar aeroport, and we all headed back to my grandparents' house. We're all staying in the local hotel, but of course we had to say hello to Granny and Grandpa.

We did some bridal shower shopping (didn't even know there was a bridal shower until this afternoon. Shouldn't I have known? I mean, being the maid of honour and all...), and my mother worked on my dress, which had some hem problems, and so on and so forth... I helped set up food (I'm getting really good at this setting up food thing), and people showed up, and voila! Bridal shower. There was idle chatter, and a make-a-bridal-gown-from-toilet-paper-and-ribbon game - we hauled in my brother and my cousin to pretend to be grooms - and presents and cake and such. Two small children - my cousin's 16-month old son and my other cousin's (ADORABLE) nine-month old daughter.

Later we carried the gifts all downstairs for temporary storage, sorted out details for tomorrow, and now I am at the hotel and getting ready for sleeeeep.

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