Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 32: You can never have too many grapes

By the time my boss got to work today I had prepared the package he'd emailed me about (two books, five book samples, a personal note, address taped on, etc).

We spent a long time going over the books that are scheduled to come out in the next two and a half or three years, making some changes to The List (as we have taken to calling it). We have pages and pages of ISBN numbers, some of which are in use and some of which are still blank - those are ours to assign books to. It doesn't matter which of these numbers a new book gets, so long as it gets a number.

Next we went over some changes for the website, which needs a major overhaul. Unfortunately, the person who does all of the website stuff isn't around (I haven't met her), so I basically took notes on everything she needs to do (personally? I don't think that either I or my boss should have to deal with this. He should be able to tell her to go through the site, fix the dozens of broken links and errors and so on and so forth. As it is, he and I basically rebuild half the site - but only in Word). Then we went over the stuff I'll do while he's on vacation for the next couple of weeks.

Later, after I got lunch, the author I take dictation from came by and we worked on a bunch of different things. I think we're basically going through a bunch of things he's written over the past I-don't-know-how-long, so not everything is finished. There were some short poems today, some of which I quite liked.

On my way home I stopped for grapes (99 cents per pound!) and milk and, on a whim, a box of Jasmine tea. I don't even know if I like Jasmine tea, but... yeah. There's an egg tofu thing that I want to try eventually, but there's no reason to get real groceries when I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday.

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