Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 55: Definitely, Maybe

Work today was fun and busy. Lauren was there, plus my boss, plus an editor, plus (for a while) another publisher and the printer from the other day. I did more sorting of edits to a manuscript (it's almost to the "physical proof" stage), then helped Lauren figure out an ad, which she had made look fabulous but which neither of us could come up with a heading for. Then she left, and my boss and I talked for a while about another manuscript - the author has a good voice and overall good writing, along with some other plusses, but the plot is weak. Eventually he dictated an email to the author and editor, stopping every minute or so to discuss another point with me. When we got to the end of the email I pointed out that it - the email - would have to be edited, and (with his go-ahead) did a quick chop job.

I got lunch and then came back to take dictation from Brian. We've fallen into a Wednesday & Friday schedule, which actually works pretty nicely. Today I managed again to get through the thing with nothing to fix at the end, which is a nice feeling indeed. My typing is noticeably faster, too.

James called while we were working on that, so I called back at five and he invited me over to hang out for the evening. I said sure and went to waste the intervening time in a coffeeshop and a bookstore.

Speaking of the bookstore, I have changed my life goal: I want to work for Papyrus. They have the most gorgeous, amazing, fabulous cards, and I could stare at them all day long. I love cards. I love their cards.

Anyway, I headed over to my relatives' house, and James and I wandered down to Blockbuster and rented a movie - Definitely, Maybe. We decided that the goal of the movie was to tell three different love stories, and that it was cheesy but fun (and that the little girl - can't remember her name; she's in Little Miss Sunshine as well - is adorable).

I took the 10 bus home, which meant walking back from Granville again. Don't ask why I did this; I don't even know. I could've just taken the 17 and gotten dropped off a block away, but I guess I really wanted to walk eight blocks. In the dark. With inadequate street lights.

Oh well. I made it home, right?

Remind me to write about people climbing through the bathroom window.

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