Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 38: Don't Shave When your Leg is Bruised

I went in to work a bit early today so that I could justify leaving early. Well - I almost always get there early, but usually I just wander and people-watch. My boss is on vacation, so he left a list of things for me to do in the next two weeks. I got a decent chunk of it done, too; I sorted a bunch of papers (well - wheat from chaff; I couldn't get it all organized but there's an improvement), summarized the phone messages to email to my boss, got The List more or less finished, and read the first six chapters of a book we're going to publish in... 2011? Maybe 2010.

Tomorrow I might work on the website some - a rather onerous task (since I don't actually get to touch the site, only figure out what needs fixing) that I decided that I really didn't need to do today.

We have a mouse in residence, by the way; it ran back and forth for a while today. I debated doing something about it, but I'll probably wait until my boss is back and then ask him if he has a cat.

I met my mum, aunt, and cousins at two, and we had a look at a reeeeallly nice ceramics shop before heading down Main to find an outdoorsy fabric shop so that my cousin can make some sandbags for lifeguard competitions (little sandbags, used to stabilize a neck). Then, because my family is, well, my family, we went to a knitting shop. I didn't buy anything, but, but! So much pretty yarn.

After dropping off one cousin at her work and the other at his dad's, my mum and aunt and I went back to my aunt's house and did the whole sit-knit-talk thing for a while, then made dinner and talked some more. We looked up my mum's twin's website so that my aunt could see my mum's twin's artwork, and did a bit more talking, and eventually away we went.

My mother is leaving in the early morning tomorrow, which is a pity, though it probably means that I'll have a bit more time. So far I rather like being alone in the office - we'll have to see how I feel later this week or next.

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