Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 51: Copyediting and proofreading, pt. 1

Today was the first part of a two-day workshop on copyediting and proofreading. It's at SFU's downtown campus - lucky, that, as the main campus is in a different bus zone and I didn't want to have to sort out schedules and fares and the like. As it is, I took my normal bus but stayed on until the last stop (on that note: as we went past some buildings undergoing construction, there was a crashing noise and the bus jerked to a stop. I swear I thought a crane had dropped something on us - but, happily, all that'd happened was that the electricity wire things the bus gets power from had slipped loose.).

Anyway. I made it there without any trouble and found the classroom (by dint of running into somebody holding a pamphlet about the summer publishing workshops and asking if she was there for one of them...). Then began the class.

It was... pretty cool, really. It's generally pretty basic stuff - grammar, punctuation, capitalization, signs used when copyediting/proofreading, that sort of thing. Spelling, even (I aced the spelling quiz). The rest of the people taking the workshop come from a wide variety of backgrounds (I ate lunch with an MD; some people work for publications or do transcription; others just fell into it accidentally), though - surprise, surprise - I'm the youngest one there.

Today the professor covered some general stuff and copyediting. Tomorrow she'll finish up copyediting and move on to proofreading. It's interesting stuff - and already it has improved my copyediting skills. Plus, the workshop runs all day, 9 to 5, and I didn't even start to feel lethargic until 4:20.

Anyway. Nothing else to tell, really.

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