Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 46: Laundry Day

Have I mentioned how much I hate making my bed? No, really, I despise it. In 11th grade, when I had a... less than ideal... roommate, I'd do laundry and then set the clean sheets on top of my bed. I'd go off and do something else (homework... hanging out with friends... avoiding my unmade bed...), and then I'd come back and talk to the laundry. "I hate you," I'd say. "Maybe I should just leave you there. I don't need sheets. And I hate making my bed."

I'd have this one-sided conversation out loud, and if my roommate was in the room she would listen in amusement. Eventually she'd get sick of my griping about the damn sheets. "If you hate it that much, I'll do it," she'd say. "Here, give me the sheets."

I would leap up from my chair, from whatever disgruntled pose I had collapsed into, and promptly set about making my bed. "No, no," I'd say, "I'll do it. I'm doing it. Stupid sheets."

Part of the problem was that my bed was lofted and it was an acrobatic feat to get the sheets tucked in. Part of the problem was that they were both flat sheets (as is part of the problem now). Most of it was that I am a perfectionist and, if the bed looked wrong, I would rip the sheets off and start afresh.

I don't like making my bed.

Anyway. Obviously I did laundry today. Otherwise it has been a slow day - finished reading a manuscript at work (not a huge fan of it - the main character strikes me as unneccesarily immature and suffers no consequences for frequently idiotic actions) and finally vacuumed. Vacuuming I actually don't mind, although 1) this vacuum is pitiful and 2) What the floor really needs is an intense scrubbing with a mop.

...not that I am going to mention that, because who do you think would be doing the mopping?

(Actually, I quite like mopping [insert NCSSM anecdote here]. It's the moving of carpet and furniture and what have you that I'd mind.)

Brian came by and we worked some on a story. It's coming along... today I noted a discrepancy, which I mentioned when we'd almost finished (when I was doing my skim-through for mistakes). I don't like there being mistakes in things, but I like finding mistakes. It was a very copy-editor mistake to find.

...and now I am just plain tired. And possibly going through caffeine withdrawal, as I ran out of milk and cannot make a proper cup of tea.

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