Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 42: People keep Trying to Save Me

Guess who rang the doorbell again this morning?

Actually, that's not the real question. Guess who was stupid enough to answer it, even though she knew who it would be (nobody, and I mean nobody, uses the front door)?

Yes, it was Jehovah's Witnesses at the door, and yes, I answered. The same younger guy as last time, but with him was a woman, not a man. The guy - nineteen, maybe? - looked every bit as uncomfortable as last time. The woman said that they'd talked to George last time, which might've added to the guy's discomfort (I suspect that George told them to bugger off).

They gave me their spiel (Alicia came up behind me about halfway into it and I told her not to worry about it) and went away. Why o why o why did I forget to get a hijab-like scarf? Or why didn't I just tell them thank you, but they were wasting their time, and shut the door in their faces?

On second thought, I'm pretty sure they know perfectly well that they're wasting their time.... and it probably doesn't help my case that George probably did tell them off. So maybe the question is, why is nobody else ever up to answer the door on Saturday? Maybe next time the doorbell rings I should hide under the table...

Except we don't really have a table. Or rather, we do, but it doesn't serve as a table, as we have no chairs. We eat at the kitchen island (which does have chair/stool/things) instead.

ANYway. Once that was all over and done, I went to Safeway to buy sunscreen. Turns out today was the annual local fair-thing - a bunch of local businesses do sidewalk sales for a few hours. While I was in the process of buying a fifty-cent copy of Jane Eyre, a woman started talking to me... which was fine until it turned out that she only wanted to give me information about her church (which had a nearby booth). I took the slip of paper quite good-naturedly, tucked it in Jane Eyre (sorry, Jane), and plan to either trash it or use it as a bookmark.

I made it to the beach eventually, where I sat and read and baked in the sun. My arms are quite dark by my standards, which for a normal person means... uh.... still kinda pale. I think my scalp is burned, too. There were a bunch of idiot males nearby, and I made sure to avoid eye contact, because I most assuredly did not want to be the subject of any of their cracks. Or, at least, I wanted to avoid being the subject of them while still in earshot.

Dunno what the plan is for tomorrow - church, perhaps (why are churches the main focus of this entry?), and then wandering... somewhere... to do something... I don't know what yet.

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