Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 49: Speaking Terms

Well, we didn't do the Grouse Grind today, for various reasons (reason no. 1: more house drama). Instead I got on the bus and wondered, for the first ten or so minutes, where exactly I was going. Downtown? North Van?

Then I thought oh! I know! I'll go down to 10th and Trimble and see what I can see. So that I did: I took the bus, and then another bus, and then got out and walked, and stuck my nose in various stores (tried on a dress that i desperately wanted to like - felt nice, was 50% off (at a consignment store), and matched my tattoo perfectly - but I would have had to mend a strap, and the cut wasn't flattering. On the upside, no money spent ^.^). When I got tired of walking I turned around and walked back (and... kept walking... and then kept walking some more... and eventually caught a bus).

It's odd - I realized today that I don't feel hunger first in my stomach, I feel it in my legs - an "if you don't feed us we're going to collapse. Food! Now!" feeling (and yes, I got food).

On the subject of food - I made pancakes this morning, but they weren't quite as stellar as I could have hoped. Oh, they tasted fine (it wouldn't been hard for them not to - they were "just add water" pancakes out of a box), but whenever I tried to flip them they'd sort of... crumple. Advice? Anyone?

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