Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 37: I Need Training Wheels

Note to anyone who is riding a bicycle or rollerblading: do not try to pass the girl who cannot ride a bike at the narrowest part of the path.

Note to people who are walking: YOU FUCKING MORON, DO NOT WALK TWO ABREAST ON MY BIKE PATH. I WILL ACCIDENTALLY MOW YOU DOWN AND KILL ALL OF US. mum and I biked around Stanley Park today. It was quite nice aside from the aforementioned incidents. I ran into a wall once, and into the road (luckily no traffic nearby), but I didn't actually kill anybody, so it more or less worked out. I only really fell over twice, which I think is not bad for ten kilometres (esp. considering that this is, what, the fourth time I've been on a bike?)... but I was still quite glad to return the bike to the rental shop.

We got lunch and then drove around for a bit, partly in search of yarn stores (yup, I got yarn) and partly so that my mum could reminisce about her time in Vancouver. She showed me the houses where she lived at various points in time, and looked to see which stores she remembered, and so on and so forth.

We headed over to my aunt's house around four. My cousin made tea and we all sat around on the deck and knit (I know, I know) and talked. And talked... and talked... heh. At some point my aunt moved into the kitchen to make dinner, and we sort of... moved one by one into the kitchen to keep talking and help.

So then there was dinner - pizza with pesto and potato (I never would have thought to put potato on a pizza, but it was quite good) - and dessert and more talk... we laughed ourselves silly discussing how my other cousin could be shipped in a box back to my grandparents (long story for which you really had to be there) and so on and so forth.

Key difference between today and yesterday: yesterday when I looked at my watch I was thinking, when can we go? Today when I looked at my watch I was thinking, oh no, do we have to go soon?

Bonus prize - when I got home I talked to my new flatmate (uh.... long story there) for a while, and then another flatmate came home and the three of us talked. And... now it is way past my bedtime.


Unknown said...

- potato pizza is amazing, especially from georgio's in East Lansing. potato and pesto pizza sounds like my dream come true.
- I totally always have pictured you as someone with a long flowy skirt on riding her bicycle through the park where there are giant trees and young people playing frisbee. so I was confused that you haven't really ridden before. maybe it's a premonition...
- when I follow that train of thought of you on the bike, I also imagine you reading, because you are always reading. I hope that that is not part of the premonition because that would just be dangerous.

oh man, now I want some pizza only...without the cheese.

Liralen said...

I actually wondered if it'd be possible for me to bike and read at the same time (if I got a lot better on a bike...), but decided that it would be a Bad Idea.

On the other hand, if I do learn to ride better, the flowy-skirt-park-thing will totally be me.